So. Our book was NOT a biography, in keeping with the blog's theme this month, but it was FABULOUS nonetheless! The Book Thief is a must-read. I loved the writing style--almost poetic. The author isn't overly-descriptive; the writing is rather spare and condensed, with metaphoric phrases and lyrical descriptions. I also really loved the way he went about the characterization. For example, I REALLY disliked the mother pretty much throughout the book--and somewhere towards the end I realized I understood her. Didn't like her, but understood her. The author very subtly accomplished that. And! At the end of the book, I liked the mother. I could go on & on. He (author) also draws many parallels that you find yourself discovering along the way. And the last line of the book--oh my. It was beautiful. One of the most perfect finishing sentences of a book I've ever read (and that's saying a lot). I handed the book off to Wendi, so I'm curious about your feedback. What do you think?
Not next month, but soon, my book club is reading this book: